Vocational training and further education
Even the best fundraising concept can only work if it is fully lived and supported by committed and competent employees. This is why the training and further education of fundraising specialists has been one of the key elements of my work for many years.
Depending on your needs, I can offer you in-house seminars or workshops on various topics. I rely on my many years of experience as a lecturer and trainer at the Fundraising Academy in Frankfurt and the Foundation Academy in Berlin.
In my work as a trainer, I particularly emphasise the importance of combining theory and practice. Methodically, my work is also highly participant-oriented and I ensure adult learning through stimulating methods. Possible topics for seminars are:
- Basics of Fundraising – for beginners and people in transition
- Ethics in Fundraising
- Fundraising Management
- TQE – FR – Quality management in FR
- Donor Communication
- Strategic planning in FR
- Controlling